Mid-ocean ridges, earthquakes, and volcanoes occur when two oceanic plates collide and produce mountains. The total length of the underwater mountain range is about 60,000km.[2] these mountains may form island chains.

Rocks in Earth's core become heated by the core, and lose density. The rocks rise and cool off and fall again. This creates a circular motion in Earth's mantle, thus creating currents through the magma and pushing plates.[1]

Hawii was formed by a hot spot that stayed in one stationary spot, forming volcanoes. The tectonic plate beneath Hawaii moved Northwest, resulting in many volcanoes being formed in a chain. [4] These volcanoes erupted multiple times to form the Hawaiian islands.
California might eventually break apart due to a change in tectonic plates. The plates have been moving at a rate of about 5cm per year, and scientists predict that the western side of California will separate all together. The plate boundary lies on the San Andreas fault. As I said before, this is a Transform boundary, so we don't see the 5cm difference. Eventually this boundary may become divergent, creating a much wider fault.
[1] http://www.platetectonics.com/book/page_5.asp, Plate Boundaries, November 23, 2009, Thomas, Lewis
[2] http://www.waterencyclopedia.com/Mi-Oc/Mid-Ocean-Ridges.html, Mid-Ocean Ridges, 2009, Gilman, Larry & Lerner, K.
[3] http://www.infoplease.com/ipa/A0001765.html, Continental Drift and Plate-Tectonics Theory, 2007, U.S. Dept. of the Interior, Geological Survey
[4] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hawaii#Geography_and_environment, Hawaii, 2009, Wikipedia
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